2015年11月23日 星期一

[Spark] Why Use Apache Spark?

For today, I would like to switch the focus from programing or technical details, and share some of my experience and opinion with you from a Spark user’s perspective.

As a data analyst and data engineer specializing in BIG DATA, Hadoop cluster is always handy in saving data. When it comes to ETL processes or analysis, besides Spark, we have the following choices:

2015年11月9日 星期一

[Career] Why you should keep finding a job even though you are on the job

enter image description here
pic source: http://www.isironline.org/category/job-and-workshop-postings/
Hope my boss would not see this article.

Keeping finding a job is very important especially to who are in the IT industry. Why? Keep in step with market needs.